Introducing Grokvar
So what will Grokvar be about? I'll be using this blog (and related social media and YouTube channels) to discuss all things Warhammer 40K, Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, Warhammer: The Old World, Kill Team, Necromunda, and possibly some Warhammer Quest (at least the 40K side of it) as well.

Hello, and welcome to Grokvar!
I've always loved the word "Grok", which was originally introduced by the famed science fiction author Robert Heinlein in his 1961 novel Stranger in a Strange Land. Since then the word has generally meant understanding something "...profoundly and intuitively", as least as defined by Merriam-Webster.

I also always liked the word "var"—as an abbreviation for the word "variable"—and thought it sounded great when stitched onto Grok, so Grokvar was born.
You can read more about me on the About page, but here's a quick summary: I played Warhammer Fantasy Battles (4th Edition) in the early 1990s, and then drifted away from the hobby for decades. I drifted back into the hobby in late 2022, and fell in love with 40K lore in general and the Adeptus Mechanicus in particular.
So what will Grokvar be about? I'll be using this blog (and related social media and YouTube channels) to discuss all things Warhammer 40K, Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, Warhammer: The Old World, Kill Team, Necromunda, and possibly some Warhammer Quest (at least the 40K side of it) as well. I might also cover some BattleTech and Dungeons & Dragons content as well, so we'll see how it goes!
I'll mainly take the perspective of someone new to 40K, so most of my initial content will be in those areas. I'd love to see feedback on what you'd like to see me cover, so please reach out to me (at least initially) on Twitter and Instagram.
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