Everything We Know About Mechanicus II Mechanicus II game has been announced! Here's everything we know so far about the sequel to the popular turn-based Mechanicus video game.
Tips and Advice for Your First Warhammer 40K Tournament Looking to attend your first Warhammer 40K tournament? Here are some useful tips for first-time 40K tournament attendees.
Warhammer 40K Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus versus Astra Militarum The Adeptus Mechanicus faces off against the Astra Militarum in this Warhammer 40K 10th Edition battle report.
AdMech Base Size Reference Looking for AdMech model base sizes? Here's a handy reference guide with base sizes for all Adeptus Mechanicus miniatures.
Using Combat Arena: Lair of the Beast Board Game Miniatures in Warhammer 40K Looking for rules, points, and datasheets to use Combat Arena: Lair of the Beast miniatures in Warhammer 40k? Read this blog post for all the info you'll need to finally put the Ambull on your 40K tabletop.
New Character and Epic Hero Ideas for Adeptus Mechanicus Here's a wish list of new character and epic hero ideas for the Adeptus Mechanicus in Warhammer 40,000 10th Edition.
10th Edition Adeptus Mechanicus has an Expectation vs Reality Problem AdMech in 10th edition has an identity crisis. While I believe Games Workshop delivered admirably on their "simplified not simple" mantra in 10th Edition overall, the changes outlined in the AdMech 10th edition index have gutted a great deal of what I thought AdMech as a faction was.
Introducing Grokvar So what will Grokvar be about? I'll be using this blog (and related social media and YouTube channels) to discuss all things Warhammer 40K, Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, Warhammer: The Old World, Kill Team, Necromunda, and possibly some Warhammer Quest (at least the 40K side of it) as well.